

Configuration management in terms of simply parsing a config file and getting or setting keys is a solved problem. Depending on application requirements, one can use stdlib provided packages like configparser and json, third party packages providing support for formats like YAML and TOML, or simply use Python itself as a means of dynamic configuration, as popular Python web frameworks do.

For extremely simple applications and prototypes, using the filesystem and a popular data serialization format as the only means of configuration is a perfectly reasonable solution. But what about production? Multiple application environments? That’s a solved problem, too — just follow the twelve-factor app and use the environment as configuration!

But now you have to do a lot of work for configuration keys that aren’t simple strings. Data validation, coercion, normalization, graceful fallbacks — if you’re motivated enough to concern yourself with such things, of course. Be honest, how many times have you seen (or written) some variation of this?

SECRET_KEY = os.getenv('SECRET_KEY')
if not SECRET_KEY:
    SECRET_KEY = generate_secret_key()
RDBMS_PORT = int(os.getenv('RDBMS_PORT', 5432))

And what about secrets? Assuming you’re fortunate enough to be able to utilize a secrets management solution like HashiCorp Vault or AWS SSM Parameter Store, you are more or less on your own to integrate them with your application, using a third-party library or a shim. Or maybe you don’t use a secrets management tool, and opt for the “simpler” solution consisting of reading a file not checked into source control.


Is a multi-tiered, encoding agnostic, schema driven configuration parsing kitchen sink really necessary for most applications? No. Should you have ten different configuration sources? Probably not. But if you find yourself writing a similar solution repetitively and wishing there was a better way, try out pitstop.